Brighton Center – Higgins Campus Renovation San Antonio, TX | 62,000 SF

Children with disabilities and developmental delays start life out at a disadvantage. Without the right help at the right time, these children will fall behind their peers in development, academics, and in life. Brighton Center provides critical developmental and educational services to children of ALL abilities. With a holistic, family-centered approach, they are an inclusive early childhood education program, with therapy services, counseling, case management and special education services.

A Growing Need
One in six children are born with a disability or delay. Brighton Center

One in six children are born with a disability or delay.

The population of people with autism in Bexar County will grow 17% by 2026. Brighton Center

The population of people with autism in Bexar County will grow 17% by 2026.

Children are 4 times less likely to graduate if they are not reading at grade level by 3rd grade. Brighton Center

Children are 4 times less likely
to graduate if they are not
reading at grade level by
3rd grade.

Facing this growing need, Brighton developed the Leveling the Playing Field Program and Expansion Project. They sought to create a campus environment that would provide them with the ability to support each child, their families, and their unique needs.

Leveling the Playing Field

Overland worked closely with Brighton Venter to understand their needs and develop energizing, functional spaces for students and staff that would expand and elevate Brighton’s ability to provide services to this ever-growing and vulnerable population. Their new campus will reach not only outward as a strong presence to the community, but inward as a catalyst for community within the school. Multi-colored columns, variegated roofs, and light-filled environments reflect Brighton’s playful, optimistic spirit. Surrounding a new inclusive playground are a bright, colorful, accessible welcome center that projects a fun, approachable face to the community while meeting Brighton’s unique needs for student drop-off and pick-up. New spaces also include a sensory room, therapy rooms, patient resource center, a multi-purpose gymnasium, offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, art room, and food service facilities.